Preparing for your appointment
Cat allergy sufferers please note
Irris and Jess our rescue cats, live on the premises. Although they are banned from the clinic room, please take any precautions you feel necessary to avoid an allergic reaction.

Clinic room
The clinic room is on the first floor and accessed via stairs with a bannister. Please contact me to discuss whether walking up stairs may be difficult for you. My treatment couch can take a maximum weight of 500lbs/226kg/35 stone.
Privacy policy
I keep short written notes on sessions. They are stored securely in a locked filing cabinet and will be kept for 7 years after completion of therapy in line with insurance requirements. I am compliant with current GDPR legislation. Please read the Privacy policy
I recommend you wear comfortable clothing and for KORE and acupuncture appointments, clothing that consists of a top and bottom.
Always consult your GP or a health professional for medical attention and advice
The therapies I offer should not be used in place of conventional medical care.
Your appointment and COVID-19
Prior to your appointment – PLEASE PRINT, COMPLETE AND SIGN the medical history form which I will send to you. PLEASE hand the completed form to me upon arrival. OR if you are unable to print, then please read the contents of this document and I will complete the form for you during our consultation and you can sign it in the treatment room. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours hours prior to your appointment I will send you a reminder of the date and time you have booked. Please reschedule if you have COVID-19 or display any signs of COVID-19.
On arrival – You can park on the driveway or street parking is available for up to 2 hours.
Payment options are
- Bank transfer prior to arrival – I will send you bank details in your “Welcome” information
- Card payment – I use “SumUp” for card transactions
- I will accept cash and cheque payments if this is your preference
Please arrive hydrated and bring your own water.
Entering the house
- I’m no longer asking clients to wear face coverings for their appointments, so only wear one if you want to. I will continue to wear a face visor for the time being and I’m more than happy to wear a mask on request
- On entering please remove your footwear and leave on the wipeable mat, I recommend you wear socks
- Sanitise your hands – hand sanitiser is provided
- I will lead you upstairs to the clinic room
- Toilet facilities are limited to the upstairs toilet where there will be a hand sanitising area only as there is no sink in this room
- Between clients all linen is replaced and all areas cleaned down. I am happy to share my cleaning ‘check list’ with you, if you would like to read it, please ask